Any visitor or client visiting this website understands that the information given out by the detox specialist is at all times limited strictly for educational purposes and only on the subject of health matters. This information is intended for the best possible state of health and does not involve the diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of medications for the treatment of disease and the detox specialist is not a medical allopathic doctor.
The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Nothing contained in these topics is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.
SI - Omejitev odgovornosti. Ta stran je namenjen v izobraževalne in raziskovalne namene. Avtor ne predpisuje, ne predlaga opustitve ali začetka kakršnega koli načina zdravljenja ali preprečevanja bolezni.
Refund Policy
Once the paperwork has been sent out to you as part of the Initial Detox Package or any other Detox Service: (Health Assessment, Business Agreement Form, and/or Iridology Instructions) no refunds will be given beyond this point. In purchasing of any Detox Services/Packages, you are in agreement with these terms and conditions.
If you request a refund before any paperwork has been sent out to you, a refund will be issued minus an administration fee plus any fees part of the transaction.
If after 30 days there is no communication from the client, services will be rendered as completed and no refunds will be issued.
Rescheduling Policy
Rescheduling of phone/FaceTime Audio/FaceBook Messenger/WhatsApp and in-person consultations can be made as long as the detox specialist has been given at least a 24 hours notice. It is up to the client to notify the detox specialist in advance. The detox specialist reserves the right to bill the client for any missed consultation appointments and to cancel services if prior attempts have been made to reschedule.
Clients must be available for any communication service within one month upon receipt of payment. All consultations will be forfeited after a one-month time frame if the client is not available. Detox specialist will only allow rescheduling within the one-month time frame after payment was received (not applicable to emails).
*At No Time And Under Any Circumstances Shall The Detox Specialist Tolerate Any Acts Of Harassment, Threats, Violence, Destruction, Or Abuse From The Client And/Or Any Other Parties Associated With Said Client. If This Occurs, The Detox Specialist Reserves The Right To Immediately Dismiss And Cease All Detox Services With No Refunds Given.